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Star Gazing in Devon

Devon has a special secret that only appears when the sun goes down… its magical dark skies 🌙

Star Gazing in Devon
Star Gazing in Devon
Star Gazing in Devon

Light pollution is a common problem in many areas. Not only does it impact what we can view when looking at the nighttime skies but it can also interrupt natural rhythms, including migration, reproduction and feeding patterns or nocturnal wildlife. Whilst some lighting at night is important for our safety, unnecessary artificial light spilling into the night sky impacts what we can see and makes star gazing a tough task.

Here in Devon, we are proud to boast the fourth darkest night skies in the country. The Exmoor National Park is home to some of the darkest and the lack of light pollution in this region is one of the reasons why it was named as Europe’s FIRST International Dark Sky Reserve.

Star gazing can be enjoyed throughout the year but the darker nights of the winter months will give you even better opportunities with the nights lasting so much longer. Some of the best places for stargazing in Devon are Brendon Common, Wimbleball Lake, County Gate Car Park, Bossington Hill, Dunkery Beacon and Webber’s Post and Winsford Hill.

This simple but joyful pastime is perfect for the whole family. Plus you don’t need any special equipment to stargaze, just your eyes and a warm coat! (And perhaps a flask of hot chocolate to share) ⭐